Apple IIGS

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Apple IIGS

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CPU: WDC 65816 @ 2.8mhz
RAM: 1.25MB
Diskette Drives: x2 800k 3.5 Floppy Drives and x2 140k 5.25 Floppy Drives
OS: Varies (Usually ProDOS or GS/OS 6.0.4)


Here is another computer that I have very hazy memories about just because of the boot sound it makes and the disk drive sounds. This is the Apple IIGS from 1986, more specifically the ROM 01 from around 1987. This was an upgrade from the aging Apple II line of computers and was introduced around the time when the Macintosh was starting to take off. Unfortunately, despite the IIGS being quite capable, it was completely overshadowed by the success of the Mac itself. Thus, Apple discontinued it in 1992. Still, that didn't stop enthusiasts like myself to fully appreciate the wonders of the Apple II, especially the IIGS.

I got this one from a huge computer lot, the latter of which I spent $50 overall. It came with the basic components to get me started, minus the joystick, but I was able to source one on eBay. The system unit itself that you see in the picture is actually my second IIGS, as the one I got was a ROM 03 model that died rather quickly. So, soon after, I got myself a ROM 01 model for Christmas, which to my understanding is the best IIGS to go for if you want the most compatibilty and functionality possible. And so far, it's been working rather well.

Over the years of using this thing I have produced a few videos playing games on this machine. Here's a list of what I have made so far:

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